Tailor's Ham etc.

Tailor's Ham etc.

Tailors hams and other pressing materials for fashion creators with ambition

Pressing clothing professionally is accomplished with good quality tailors hams and orher pressing materials 

Our pressing tool range is one of the biggest you will find anywhere, in short we have the right tool for everyone

You don't know which tool to choose

Mostly the hand tailors ham and the seamroll are a good start. They give you a good base from which you can expand your pressing tools to include a larger tailors ham or one on a foot. The tailors ham can wobble on the ironboard or table, the one on a foot is more secure

Still can not choose? Read the page Which shape tailors ham is the best 
Or call, app or email Annette for personal advice: 06-30746623 or annettebeautyvof@gmail.com...

Want to know more?

How to use a velvet mat or pressing mat? (dutch)
Velvet mat / pressing mat hack (dutch)

Birdseye view on the different tailors hams and other tools for pressing and ironing 


Raw materials shortage:

The Corona crisis has created a worldwide shortage in raw materials, this also affects our range of tailors hams and other pressing materials.

The raw materials fluctuate in price a lot and therefore out suppliers can not give us a current pricelist. So we have put all our hams and such on quotation in our shop.

Have any questions or would you like the current price? Please contact us and we will ask for you. Annette has the following contact info: 06-30746623 of annettebeautyvof@gmail.com. 

Pocket curve template set metal

Pocket curve template set metal

Pocket curve template set metal

This new pocket curve template is helpfull when creating rounded pockets like you see in the picture. On blazers and aprons for example but also on childrens clothing and blouses you can stitch great rounded pockets...

Read more about the pocket curve template set metal

Order your pocket curve template set metal